Student Induction Program
Student Induction Program
In its 49th meeting, held on 14th March 2017, AICTE approved a package of measures for further improving the quality of technical education in the country. This 3-week mandatory Student Induction Program (SIP) based on Universal Human Values (UHV) is one of these key measures.
The SIP is intended to prepare newly admitted undergraduate students for the new stage in their life by facilitating a smooth transition from their home and school environment into the college and university environment.
The present form of the Student Induction Program (SIP) has taken inspiration from and gratefully acknowledges the many efforts in this direction. In particular the Foundation Program at IIT Gandhinagar (July 2011) and the course in Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics (IIIT Hyderabad, 2005; AKTU Lucknow, 2009 and PTU Jalandhar, 2011; overall about 35 universities); and also, the mentorship, internship and apprenticeship programs of several institutions.
The SIP amalgamates all the three into an integrated whole, which leads to its high effectiveness in terms of building a healthy lifestyle, creativity, bonding and character. It develops sensitivity towards self and one’s relationships, builds awareness about others and society beyond the individual, and also in bonding with their own batch-mates and senior students as well as faculty members.
The purpose of this document along with accompanying details are to help institutions / colleges in understanding the spirit of the Induction Program and implementing it.
It is in line with the thoughts expressed in the NEP 2020:
“Education is fundamental for achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and just society, and promoting National development”
With this background, the SIP has been formulated with specific goals to help students to:
- Become familiar with the ethos and culture of the institution (based on institutional culture and practices
- Set a healthy daily routine, create bonding in batch as well as between faculty members and students
- Get an exposure to a holistic vision of life, develop awareness, sensitivity and understanding of theSelf—family—Society—Nation—International—Entire Nature
- Facilitate them in creating new bonds with peers and seniors who accompany them through their college life and beyond
- Overcome weaknesses in some essential professional skills – only for those who need it (e.g. Mathematics, Language proficiency modules)
Student Induction Program (SIP) Modules
The various modules or core areas recommended for the 3-week SIP are: