ISSN 2394-5338 (Print); 2394-5346 (Online)
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2022
This is open access Journal
Global Impact factor:0.565
SJIF Impact factor: 5.296
Current Issue
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2022
Research Article
Chemotherapy side effect: Management and treatment are necessary to improve patient’s outcome.
Bhawana Rathi *, Ruchi Agarwal, Sudhansu Ranjan Swain
Moradabad Educational Trust Group of Institutions Faculty of Pharmacy, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
* Corresponding Author: Tel. No.: +91 7906857690, Email: bhawanarathi41@gmail.com
In this study, we listed common side effects of chemotherapy which are associated with the almost all chemotherapeutic agents and collected information on managing side effects from Western Uttar Pradesh (WUP) hospitals so that we can understand how much importance is given to chemotherapy side effects treatment along with the cancer treatment. Alternative therapies and complementary treatment are recently gaining their importance in worldwide; these are in practice to minimizing the side effects of chemotherapy. When we visited the Western Uttar Pradesh (WUP) hospitals we understood that there are not any special kinds of precautions, or any complementary therapies are in practice to improve patient’s quality of life during chemotherapy period.
Keywords: Alternative Therapies, Cancer, Chemotherapy, Complementary Treatment, Side Effects, Western Uttar Pradesh.
Review Article
Future suggestions for the epidemiology and clinical affairs of human monkeypox
Anil Kumar*
Moradabad Educational Trust Group of Institutions Faculty of Pharmacy, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
*Corresponding author: Tel. No.: +917417767174, Email: drx.kanil@gmail.com
The monkeypox infection is rapidly spreading worldwide, with more than 30 countries reporting fewer than 1000 cases and India reporting fewer than 50 cases. In this preliminary report, we gathered and made sense of early information about the outbreak’s epidemiological trends and clinical features. The ongoing epidemic differs from previous outbreaks regarding children and adolescents, pregnant women’s risk factors, and transmission routes, with sexual transmission highly likely. Furthermore, the clinical manifestations are atypical and unusual, with typical rash or lesions and lymphadenopathy sparing the face and extremities. This article describes the epidemiology and clinical aspects of monkeypox and discusses the growing public health threat with the help of chemical drugs or natural herbs for prevention and treatment.
Keywords: Epidemiological Trends, Lymphadenopathy, Monkeypox, Natural Herbs Rash/Lesions, Outbreak
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